Vertifoam City

roleplay bio

I have been introduced to roleplay by some friends in school one day. They were discussing there latest adventure and I got curious. I asked what they were talking about, they told me and even invited me to join the game (German version of MERP). The other day their GM brought the rulebook along and we created a character during break time.

It was a high-elven ranger running by the name of Prudens Celeriter (learning Latin is not THAT bad ;-)). The character generation had been quit exciting and the "test play" was even better. We played the troll adventure, which came along with the rulebook. I have been that impressed, that I joined the group and played ever since. This happened in 1992.

We played MERP for some time and wanted to change to RM. The only problem had been, that we had not had the money to do so. We even thought about throwing our cash together to buy the books, but then there had been the problem of who would own them in the last instance!?!

This problem was solved by the GM's parents, because he got the books as birthday and Christmas presents together. Therefore we changed the system and played English RM, the Companions being less expensive than the German translations. I still play RM and only briefly played some sessions of Shadowrun, DSA (a German d20-system) and even SM.

During my RM time I played lots of different races and professions for my characters had the tendency to die often and even with a most generous GM beyond resurrection. The best indicator for a nearing death was my spellbook! I made nearly for every of my spellcasters a personal spellbook, containing all the spells known by that special character, that I did not have to search the different sources for the spelllists, coming from various rulebooks and Companions.
Every time I was (nearly) finished - the character died. After a couple of times I tried to solve this problem by playing non-spell-users. Nice try, but they died too.
But the deaths of my characters were not that discouraging, for I enjoyed character generation and had nearly always a new character at hand. You will find all (I think so) my characters via the link on the roleplay main page or here.

After a couple of adventures we took turns in mastering so everybody could play at times. I included some of my/our adventures on this page, sometimes only the ideas and the plot and sometimes completely worked out (adventures).
We played along for five years (school is great speaking in terms of having leisure time) until I enlisted into the German Navy. Because I was stationed on the island of Sylt and had a way home to Bremen of at least four hours and my girl-friend demanded some time with me too, time for roleplay ran short and first we played only now and then. But after a couple of months, my girl-friend accepted my "addiction" and we played again more or less regularly.

The years 2000 and 2001 were nearly RM-free resulting in a girl-friend living on her nerves, who always heard: "Oh, I'd like to play RM again!!" In 2002 my now-wife had enough of my complaints and searched for a group for me. And -BINGO- she found one in Münster which lies a 45min ride from Hamm. These guys (and now gals - greetings to Jutta) are playing RMSS with house rules and every now and then SM. There progression can be seen here (in German).

Because of my transferral to Flensburg as part of my officer's training, there was no RM again, because the Münster-party plays during the week (at this place a BIG thanks for the lodging and 'play-at-the-weekend' proposals!!!! The wielder of the Mighty-Mop-of-Chtughan-Slaying will be back!).

Shortly before the end of the time in Flensburg, we really did organize a DSA-party. And we actually played three times.
I'm still in contact with my old groups, but this being brief contacts via mail or forum, through which I keep in touch with their progress.

Now it is 2004, I am stationed in Faßberg and I am now again so stretched, that I would play DSA as roleplay-methadone. Well, we will see. Martin and Martin said, they are interested …

supplementary November 2004

Joy to the world!! Not only Martin and Martin did agree but also Timo wants to learn the art of roleplay. And we even found a companion in Marcel. So now I master a MERP-party. Not as good as playing myself, but hey, who will complain?

supplementary August 2005

It is getting better by the month... We started a HARP group with munchy mastering a couple of month ago. It is not as regularly as I would like it, but we are trying.